Peter O’Sullivan is a butcher, a farmer, and a firefighter. We meet him at his butcher shop in Sneem, a family business going three generations back. “There’s a great community spirit here in Sneem,” he says.
Peter has also been a pillar of the Park’s community since the 80s. Supplying the kitchen with black pudding and breakfast sausages for the Park’s famous full Irish breakfast, he has enriched many guests’ breakfast experiences. Pork for his sausages are sourced from Sean Cole’s pig and cheese operation, Knockatee Cheese, in Tuosist.
We drive through low hills dotted with bog cotton to visit Peter’s farm. He says that we may not be able to see the cows because they like to hide from him. “My farming practice is extensive as opposed to intensive farming. Meaning there are very few cows for the volume of land. One cow has 10 acres all to itself.”
Peter’s dad was also a passionate farmer. I ask him if he felt pressure to take up the family business and he says, not at all. “It’s the kind of job you can’t do unless you love what you do… I love the freedom of it. I’m absolutely in love with this place,” he says as he tells us more about the geography of the landscape. “I wouldn’t live anywhere else. Some people go on holidays, I don’t need to go on holidays, I just go to my land.”
You can enjoy a comforting full Irish at the Park’s Landline Restaurant.